Bethan Read

BETHAN Read currently lives in Spain with her husband and two sons Otis and Felix. She loves concocting stories and making funny shaped animals and cushions from any fabric she …

We’re delighted to be celebrating publication day for Dotwav, Mike Lancaster’s third book which is published in the USA today! Mike was one of the first authors that the Lindsay …

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We were alerted to this excellent vlog about Mike Lancaster’s 0.4 via a twitter feed from Egmont USA – but I think the author is from Dublin. Funny how the …

[frame][/frame]We’re just back from three days at the London Book Fair having met up with lots of great UK and US editors, scouts and one film executive. We pitched lots …

[frame][/frame]See Sam’s recent review in the Daily Mail.

[frame][/frame]Now in its 41st year, The London Book Fair continues to be the global market place for rights negotiation and the sales and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, …