World Book Day has just announced that Pamela Butchart will be one of 10 authors writing a brand new story available to all kids in the UK and Ireland for just £1. The writer and illustrator team Pamela Butchart and Thomas Flintham, who together have created the Izzy series are currently working on the new story, The Baby Brother From Outer Space, due out on World Book Day 2018!
When Haroon’s mum brings his baby brother into school, Izzy and her friends are ALARMED! The baby is clearly using mind control because the office ladies start squeaking and saying made-up words. He writes strange messages with his blocks and he REALLY LIKES SCHOOL DINNERS! But it’s when he’s caught speaking in an alien language on his ‘phone’ that they know. Haroon’s baby brother is from outer space and he’s trying to BEAM THEM ALL UP!!!
World Book Day marks the world’s biggest celebration of reading, where the nation’s entire book industry comes together to work proactively to address falling literacy levels and create readers of the future. This year, thanks to National Book Tokens and lots of lovely book publishers and booksellers, World Book Day, in partnership with schools all over the country, more than 15 million £1 World Book Day book tokens will be distributed to children and young people (that’s almost one for every child/young person under 18 in the UK and Ireland).
Many Congratulations Pamela!