Donna David

DONNA David grew up in the West Midlands in a house full of noisy siblings, fun parents, mad aunties and maggots (her dad is a fisherman). She’d often be found reading …

Helen Brandom Author

HELEN Brandom is a former primary school teacher who has written for the stage as well as TV and radio. Her TV commissions include series episodes for Granada Television, Carlton …

Rachel Valentine

RACHEL Valentine was born in Kent and grew up in both the UK and Germany. She read psychology at Warwick University, then physiotherapy at Brunel. She then practiced as a …

Titania Krimpas

TITANIA Krimpas trained in drama and theatre arts at the University of Birmingham and Central School of Speech and Drama. Before studying for an MA in Writing for Children at …

Pamela Butchart

PAMELA Butchart lives in Dundee with her baby boy and their two awesome cats, Bear and Carlos. If she wasn’t working as a writer and a teacher she’d like to …